Monday, November 5, 2012


Decided to try my hand at carving some bowls using juniper. Results so far are very good. I'm trying really hard to emulate Scott Shangraw's bowls, but he's way more advanced than me. If I can get to be half as good at carving, shaping, sculpting, and finishing as he is, I'll be happy.

The bowl above has two coats of Watco Danish Oil "Natural" on the outside. The inside will be left "raw" so the aroma of the juniper can be enjoyed by all.

Plan to do a lot more carving on the last one. Also need to fill the voids, probably with turquoise and epoxy, but not 100% on that one.


Awhile back, I posted a photo of a log. Not just any log, but a log received from a friend. Didn't quite know what to do with it at the time.

Well, the bug bit, and I cut the log into two pieces right down the middle. This log is said to be walnut, but after cutting into it, I'm not so sure. Doesn't really look like walnut, doesn't really smell like walnut. But the grain sure is pretty. Here's the two bowls I'm making:

Gonna have to make a base for the one above because it's just too tippy as is (a piece fell off as I was working the wood, and it affected the balance of the whole thing).

Shaping, grinding, sanding. Shaping, grinding, sanding. Could go on and on about the shaping, grinding, sanding but won't. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but certainly will be nice when done. I'll post on Facebook when they're finished.